Some good, good suet for our feathered friends...
I had to brag on some suet that I recently purchased on Etsy. The birds liked it so much, I've just placed my second order.The suet is made by Catt Alexander. It's called TomCatt's Bird Suet. If you're in the market for some new suet (at a very great price) or are new to suet, please give this great stuff a try. I've tried the retail store suets out there and they don't even compare. The birds like TomCatt hands down. The portion size was larger than the cheap retail varieties also. There was enough to fill another cage half way full after stocking two other cages.
This is not a paid advertisement at all for Catt. I just was so impressed with the popularity of it by the birds, I had to share it with you.
TomCatt's Bird Suet by Catt Alexander.
All natural bird suet for year-round feeding!

And here's some pics of just a small reflection of the birds that flock to my suet cages...