Featured Upcycling Artist #1 - WhatTheFolkArt
I'm starting a new feature on GadgetSponge.com. Fairly often I will feature an artist that works with found objects or participates in upcycling.
I browse Etsy from time to time to see what great upcycling things other folks are creating. I think it's very important for each of us to not only recycle whenever possible but to also find secondary uses for everyday household items to at least double their consumer lifespan.

A little while back I ran across "WhatTheFolkArt". I was quickly entertained by all the neat robot figures that Thomas assembled out of old kitchenware, tins, utensils, nuts, bolts, and more. Each artpiece had a distinct expression or character. Each one stares back at you with the expectation for you to start a conversation with it. Some are even assembled to still be used as canisters.