Recent Backyard Birds
I'd like to share a collection of some of the better pics of the most recent visitors in my backyard lately (Shreveport, LA).
I'll start with a "group of groups". Funny how the birds tend to stay in smaller groups.

The Robins are never too shy. They like to run a little bit, then stop and observe, run a little more, then stop again. You can just about time your shots.

I'm posting more Goldfinch photos because I'm happy to see them again since last season. They've arrived within the past week or so.

I must have estimated in count about 2,500 to 3,000 Red-Winged Blackbirds the other morning. They were flying through and some stopping at the Tallow Tree. The males were primarily in the tree with the females, like this one, all on the ground. They just kept flying over more and more in a constant stream.

The Dark-Eyed Juncos still make appearances, but don't get too close. Even though friends have spotted them feeding from feeders, they still stay on the ground and forage here.

I've had a good many Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers hanging out in the trees. Mostly the pecan trees.

The House Finches are pretty constant residents. I enjoy seeing them flying in as pairs.

And lastly, the Yellow-Rumped Warblers are still enjoying themselves in the Tallow Tree.