"Green" Suet Feeders
Here's a great and quick project for yourself or take it as a chance to show the young ones how to recycle things and always try to find a way to reuse things to keep them out of the landfills. This is the time of year that you'll find plenty of "offerings" from trees. Besides leaves which can be as flowerbed mulch (save some money!) the trees offer us fallen limbs galore. How about turning some of those trunk pieces into bird feeders for yourself, family and friends. It's a very quick project that will offer years of enjoyment.

I simply drilled holes into the sections about an inch or two, then all that's left is attached the trunk to a string, chain, rope or whatever you have laying around that needs some reuse. Suet is a great source of fat and energy for the birds during the harsh times of Winter. I purchase my suet (HERE) and the birds can't keep their beaks away from it. It satisfies all varieties and is a great bargain as far as price. It's much better than the generic chain store variety and is homemade. If you'd like to do things yourself, just mix some peanut butter with your current bird seed.