Mid April Birds
Well, I'm still waiting for some new visitors, but no luck yet. Should be seeing some Rose-Breasted Grosbeak soon and maybe some Blue Grosbeak and Buntings to follow. You'll be the first to know and see! Here are some faithful visitors for now....

A female Bluebird came closer than usual. This was taken right before she grabbed a peanut and took off again.

Here's a Robin taking a break on my custom copper "feeder tree".

Here, a female Cardinal gave me the stink eye to make sure I wasn't getting too close.

Here's our resident older rabbit as of lately. This one along with four small rabbit babies that just left picked our backyard as a residence.

This Mockingbird looks a little thick in the mid-section. Might be pregnant. The Mockingbirds have really been running the other larger birds off and showing some dominance. I think they want the suet all to themselves.