Collecting Seeds: Butterfly Weed
My good friend Pam turned me on to Butterfly Weed this last Spring. I was really wanting to emphasize plants to pull in the butterflies this Summer. I've been really happy with the success of the different colored versions. Since this is my first year growing these specific plants I was excited when I saw pods shooting up from my mixed red and orange plants.

A couple of days later, I noticed they had cracked open and were revealing the seeds with white fluff attached to each wind to catch the wind and go who knows where. Pam's yard and plants are typically a step ahead of the progression in my yard as far as blooms, butterfly egg laying, etc. so I've enjoyed the anticipation and knowing what to look for as things progress.

I immediately collected the seeds that have opened up so far. Considering that I've got several other plants that haven't produced pods yet, I'll have quite the collection of seeds before the Summer is over. As we all know, growing from seeds does take patience versus running out and buying an established plant. But I enjoy the reward.
The Butterfly Weed plants have been very rewarding this early in the Summer already with the arrival of different butterfly species. With the plants being "host plants", it's entertaining to see different butterflies use the plant for a certain part of their life cycle and then jump to the next different plant for another aspect of their lives. Be sure to grab some now while you can at your area local nursery and enjoy them for yourself!