Custom Singer Sewing Machine Base Wall Shelf with Yardsticks and Gym Wire Locker Baskets!
Yo! Here's some goodness fresh from the GadgetSponge Garage! I've been struggling for about as long as I've been repurposing trying to figure out how to use the individual parts of an antique Singer sewing machine base. I plan to have a great idea for all the parts before I done! Here's a shelf I just finished using a couple of the center supports...

I use the vintage wire gym locker baskets a good bit because folks really like them and they look COOL!

The front connection point on each Singer sewing machine base piece stuck out too much for my tastes so I cut them off and ground them down.

You KNOW I've got to have a yardstick in there! I also used a vintage piano music sheet support as the stop for the locker baskets. And you can see my little metal nameplate down there that I put on all my creations.