Overhauled Long Drawer Dresser with Vintage Yardsticks and Original 1930s Coca-Cola Factory Blueprints
Hey friends! I've been trying not to get behind on my posting and showing more of what I've created as it rolls out. I'm starting to catch up!
Here's a recent creation that is very similar to the style of the dresser I did a while back (HERE). I liked the style so much and got so many compliments on the dresser that I wanted to do another take on it once I found the right piece. My grandmother bought this long drawer dresser a good while back because she liked the long, flat drawers and she could store away a good bit in it. She passed at the first of this year and I definitely wanted it so I could give it the same style treatment as the dresser. I know she would love this one if she could see it now. If she were alive, I'd give it right back.

Check out those drawers! It had some dull, fake bronze knobs on it and I changed them out to these handles that complimented the long span of the drawers. Plus, it reminded me of the old handles you'd see in the school science labs of the past.

I roughly laid out the plans for the yardstick boudaries and cut out the blueprint pieces to fill the spaces. Then I marked my dead spaces where the yardsticks would be inlaid and got to carving and routing out the gulleys for the yardsticks. Lots of dust and shavings but I was proud of the tight lines and perfect surface. My buddy, Bill, had these blueprints when I put the word out I was looking for original blueprints a while back. These are definitely cool. It features details of the Syrup room and more!

It's no secret that a deep, nice blue works so well with oranges. And the orange in the vintage yardsticks really came out.

I've still got a little bit of the new/old stock of original vintage metal furniture trim so I threw some of that around the top edge to set things off. Love that stuff and wish I could find some more!