Repurposed Vintage Philco Radio Bookcase
Hey folks! Got a new project just finished and fresh from GadgetSponge Garage! I get a lot of flack for heavily modifying these old console/wall radios but true is when I get my hands on them, they are most of the time just the shells of the radio in poor condition. So all the haters out there move on because this won't be the last one you see from me.
This particular one was missing the top radio dial and guts along with pretty much everthing below as well including the speaker. So it was a fresh canvas for me. I started by building the housing for the bookcase. I used old salvaged shiplap boards for this. They still had the old short nails that held the fabric wallpaper to the boards on them. After polishing up the bookcase with extras like the finished off yardsticks and such, I moved on to the compartment up top that I created using an old exit sign facing. A vintage window lock clasps the "exit" door securely.
Lastly was a ton of custom metal work all over the piece. I used some new/old stock of vintage furniture metal corner bead. It was a lot of work but was also a lot of fun with all the detailing. It really makes the whole creation pop! Everywhere you see metal on this is custom work since there was no metal before.