BEER 30 Bottle & Wine Opening Station #3! Furniture, Handyman Solutions, Mixed Media, Repurposed, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled, Upcycled FurnitureBrian CarlisleDecember 28, 2020rRepurposed Blog, Upcycling Blog, UpcyclingComment
Food Forest Owl Garden Gate Handyman Solutions, Mixed Media, Yard Accessories, Yard ProjectsBrian CarlisleAugust 8, 2020food forest, gate, wood, owl, treated wood, wire, fence, garden, croquet, handle, gardeningComment
Custom Potting Hutch! Furniture, Gardening, Handyman SolutionsBrian CarlisleAugust 7, 2020potting, hutch, bench, soil, plants, garden, gardening, tools, custom, treated woodComment
Quick Mason Bee Houses Environment, Gardening, Handyman Solutions, Mason Bee Houses, Mixed Media, Yard Accessories, Yard Projects, NatureBrian CarlisleJuly 5, 2019Backyard Blog, nature blog, mason bees, yard, nature, insects Comments
Antique Mall Booth Cedar Plank Overhaul with CedarSafe! Furniture, Handyman Solutions, Media FeaturesBrian CarlisleMarch 26, 2015Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, cedar, beadboard Comment
What to do with Surplus Vintage Doors: Make a Bench/Pew & Coat Rack!! Furniture, Handyman Solutions, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleDecember 10, 2014Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, church pew, pew, bench, seat, door, doors, yardsticks, churchComment