Little Libraries #3: Repurposed Little Library Project Updates! Handyman Solutions, Little Library, Mixed Media, Upcycled Projects, Upcycling Artists, Upcycled, Repurposed, Repurposed ProjectsBrian CarlisleApril 9, 2014Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, little, library, industrial, locker, lockers, school, gym, book, books Comments
Little Libraries #1: The Beginnings of Two Repurposed Little Library Projects! Environment, Handyman Solutions, Little Library, Media Features, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Projects, Upcycling Artists, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleMarch 26, 2014Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, locker, lockers, industrial, school, gym, storage, library, book, books Comments
Big Projects Launched! What Could It Be! Mixed Media, Upcycled Projects, Upcycling Artists, Repurposed, Repurposed Projects, UpcycledBrian CarlisleMarch 18, 2014Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, locker, lockers, schook, school, gym, library, little, book, books, industrialComment
GadgetSponge @ Home: Custom Bookcase with Vintage Lockers & Wire Baskets Furniture, Handyman Solutions, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleDecember 15, 2013Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, bookcase, book case, bookshelf, book, books, locker, lockers, storage, organization, industrial Comments
Custom Bookcase with Vintage Lockers and Baskets Books, Furniture, Handyman Solutions, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleSeptember 30, 2013Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, bookcase, book case, bookshelf, book shelf, storage, organization, book, books, furniture, wire, baskets, basket, steampunk Comments
Nests: Fifty Nests and the Birds That Built Them Birds, Books, Media Features, ProductsBrian CarlisleDecember 6, 2011Bird Blog, nature blog, book, books, media Comments