Fresh Vintage License Plate Bird Feeders for 2020!
Quick Mason Bee Houses
Tawny Emperor Butterfly on Cantaloupe
Custom Birdhouses with Repurposed Elements
Bird Houses, Birdhouses, Birds, Environment, Gardening, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Yard AccessoriesBrian CarlisleRecycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog
Another Carolina Wren Nest - A Repurposed Nest
Carolina Wren Pair Visit
Summer Plants & Flower in May Bloom
Certify Your Backyard or Property as a Wildlife Habitat!
Birds, Butterflies, Critters, Dragonflies, Environment, Gardening, Insects, Yard AccessoriesBrian CarlisleBird Blog, Butterfly Blog, nature blog
Spring Has Spring with Birds & New Blooms
Everything But the Birds...
After The Rain...(yesterday)
GadgetSponge Featured in Birds & Bloom Magazine!
Bird Houses, Birdhouses, Birds, Environment, Gardening, Media Features, Repurposed ProjectsBrian CarlisleRepurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, nature blog
After The Rain...
Sunday Visitors...
Collecting Seeds: Butterfly Weed
Easter Sunday Observations
Tree Planting Just In Time...
Water Cooler Container
Green Onions On The Grow -- FREE!
Wordless Wednesday - Bee On Hyacinth