Fresh Vintage License Plate Bird Feeders for 2020!
Quick Mason Bee Houses
Tawny Emperor Butterfly on Cantaloupe
Repurposed Parking Meter Potted Plant
Custom Birdhouses with Repurposed Elements
Bird Houses, Birdhouses, Birds, Environment, Gardening, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Yard AccessoriesBrian CarlisleRecycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog
Pickin' at the Scrap Yard
Another Carolina Wren Nest - A Repurposed Nest
Some recent feathered visitors in my yard...
A little bit of recent Goldfinch activity in honor of Easter....
Bluebird Nesting Update
Little Libraries #4: Repurposed Little Library Project Updates!
Environment, Handyman Solutions, Little Library, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled ProjectsBrian CarlisleRecycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog
The Bluebirds Are Nesting Once Again...
Little Libraries #2: Repurposed Little Library Project Updates!
Environment, Handyman Solutions, Little Library, Mixed Media, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Upcycling ArtistsBrian CarlisleRecycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog
Little Libraries #1: The Beginnings of Two Repurposed Little Library Projects!
Environment, Handyman Solutions, Little Library, Media Features, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Projects, Upcycling ArtistsBrian CarlisleRecycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog
Tufted Titmouse Visit
Carolina Wren Pair Visit
Summer Plants & Flower in May Bloom
Certify Your Backyard or Property as a Wildlife Habitat!
Birds, Butterflies, Critters, Dragonflies, Environment, Gardening, Insects, Yard AccessoriesBrian CarlisleBird Blog, Butterfly Blog, nature blog
Cedar Waxwings in Spring
Photos from Visit to Pinola Preserve in North Louisiana